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- Full gas engine control
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DEIF 솔루션은 운용을 최적화하고 가스 소비를 감소하도록 설계됩니다. 최초 사용일부터 비용이 절감됩니다. 서비스와 고객 지원 경험이 풍부한 엔지니어 팀이 귀하를 돕기 위해 항상 준비하고 있습니다.
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DEIF 표준 컨트롤러는 대단히 탄력적이며 소비자의 요구를 대부분 수용할 수 있습니다. 또한, 소비자의 특수 용도로만 사용될 수 있는 독특한 솔루션도 기쁜 마음으로 설계하고 개발합니다. 솔루션은 품질을 고려하는 소비자의 끊임없는 평가와 승인에 부합합니다.
지상 발전소 애플리케이션 안내서
지상 발전소 애플리케이션 안내서는 솔루션 및 서비스에서부터 제품 개요에 이르기까지 모든 것을 완벽하게 설명합니다.

Data Acquisition Unit FX-30
Data Acquisition Unit
- Event-based logging
- Updates Over-the-air (OTA)
- 2G Edge/GSM/GPRS
- 1 communication LED, 1 signal LED
- GNSS (GPS/Galileo/Glonass)
- Ultra low power mode
- Ethernet (RJ-45) for Modbus TCP/IP
Simple to install
- 3-way DIN rail clip orientation
- Fast IP configuration via micro USB
- Antennas and cables included
- High vibration mounting

Intuitive web based remote monitoring service. Insight
- Visualised solution overview via customisable dashboard
- World map overview and GPS tracking
- Alarm notifications (email)
- Reports (PDF, CSV)
- Fleet management (unit grouping & scheduling)
- Flexible user/team management and user permissions
- Two factor verification for enhanced security
- Templates for selected DEIF products
Dashboards widgets
- Direct value visualisation
- Multiple options of guages
- World map overview
- Group data in lists
- Show latest notifications
- Trending with graphs
Responsive web service
- Designed for portable devices
- Works with most popular browsers
- Requires Insight subscription plan

Automatic Load Controller ALC-4
- Prioritised load groups
- Anticipated load-dependent start
- Integrated in power management system
- Automatic startup of extra gensets
- Avoid overload of system
- Manual or automatic control of feeders
- Easy setup via USW and intuitive to use
- Easy commissioning, prepare SW setup before commissioning, live status of feeders shown in USW
- Flexible setup of different application types
- CANbus communication, long distance communication (up to 300 m)
- Security of supply – safety based on feeder priority

Medium Voltage Relay MVR-200 series
- Programmable logic
- Fast and easy commissioning and service with front communication port and intuitive software
- Password-protected user levels
- Individual voltage and current harmonics up to 31st
- Redundant Ethernet with Modbus TCP
- RS-485 Modbus RTU communication
- IEC 60870-5-104/103/101 communication
- IEC 61850 communication (incl. HSR, PRP, PTP acc. IEEE 1588) and GOOSE
- On-site replaceable spare part modules
- Class 0.5 power and energy measurement (Class 0.2S optional)
- Conformal Coating available for all devices
- Marine type approval by major class societies

Advanced Genset Controller AGC 150 BTB
AGC 150 BTB - features
- Automatic close of bus tie breaker if the system requests help
- Manual control of bus tie breaker
- Section management
- 12 Digital inputs and 12 digital outputs
- Communications ports (CAN, USB, RS485, Ethernet).
- Event & alarm log (500 each)
- Programmable PLC editor

Multi-functional protection relay MTR-4P
- Up to 1,000 V L-L AC voltage input
- Up to 20 A AC current input
- Accuracy class: 0.5
- Password protection
- Trip time typically below 50 ms
- Two-stage trip setting
- Start-up delay
- 13 different protection functions
- RS-485 serial Modbus communication
- Fast and simple commissioning and setup from M-set
- Universal power supply of 20 to 300 V DC/48 to 276 V AC
- Marine approval by GL/DNV

Advanced Genset Controller AGC 150 Stand alone
- RS486
- Inputs/ Outputs
- Analog Inputs / Analog Outputs
- Analog inputs support resistans, current and voltage
- AOP 2 support
- Emulation for easy training and FAT
- UL approved
- Automatic Mains Failure sequence
- Tier4 final / Stage V
- Emission control with force regeneration and SOOT alarm
- Fuel pump logic (after filler)
- Changable operation mode (multiple modes in one software)
- Adapting controls (Controllers shows only relevant buttons)
- Front mount
- DEIF digital AVR DVC550 support
- Additional I/O modules support (CANbus based CIO)
- Engine CANbus
- Engine and Generator protection
- -40 degree support
- Ethernet

Digital voltage controller DVC 550
- Unique CANbus integration between DVC 550 and AGC genset controller
- Start management capability with start on threshold, soft start and close before excitation (run-up sync)
- Intelligent drying and ventilation mode for generators
- Short circuit limitation
- Loss of voltage sensing alarm
- Over/under excitation limitation
- Optimises genset performance and size using engine help functions
- Load acceptance module (LAM) assists the generator during heavy loads
- Negative forcing to avoid voltage peak during load sheddin
- U/F ramp
- Soft voltage recovery
- Stator current limitation
- Settings from AGC genset controller shared with the DVC 550 via CANbus
- Grid code compliant VDE410 and VDE4105

Touch display units for asset and plant management TDU 107
- Plug and play
- Build in AOP (additional operators panel) customizable buttons and status lamps
- Quick instrument selection directly from the screen
- Tier 4 Final support with automatic jump to dedicated Tier4 page
- Visual capability curve with actual working point of the genset
- Easy search functionality in several menus
- Live application supervision
- Possibility to merge alarm and event logs
- Service menu with estimated date for next service
- Live I/O overview

Advanced Genset Controller AGC 150 Mains
AGC 150 Mains - features
Operating modes with single or multiple mains:
AMF, Fixed power, Mains power export Load take over, Peak shaving
- Mains (Utility)
- power monitoring (kW, kV, A & pf)
- decoupling protection
- kW export protection
- electrical protections
- No break transfer of load
- Multi start settings
- Minimum of starting genset
- 12 Digital inputs and 12 digital outputs
- Communications ports (CAN, USB, RS485, Ethernet).
- Event & Alarm log (500 each)
- Programmable PLC editor