Logo and pictures

Media Database

DEIF’s Media Portal offers access to a wide range of pictures and other graphical elements which have been approved for use by DEIF Global Marketing.

The content will be maintained and expanded on an ongoing basis. Please get in touch with Global Marketing at marketing@deif.com for log in information.

DEIF logo

Guidelines for using DEIF’s logo

  • Companies wishing to show DEIF’s logo must register and comply with the below guidelines. The permission is valid for 1 (one) year at a time and is automatically extended unless otherwise decided by DEIF.

  • DEIF’s logo remains the property of DEIF. 

  • Other graphical elements may not be added to DEIF’s logo, which may also not be changed in colour or form (proportional resizing excepted). 

  • DEIF’s logo may only be used together with the logo or name of the user – and may not be more dominant than these. 

  • DEIF’s logo may not be used for purposes, activities or events incompatible with DEIF. 

  • DEIF’s logo may under no circumstances be used for purposes, which are illegal or conflict with public morality.

  • This permission does not grant the user any rights to the logo, other than the right of use subject to compliance with these guidelines.

  • The user may not register or attempt to register trademark or name containing DEIF’s logo and/or the wordmark “DEIF” or resembling the logo to a degree that may lead to misrepresentation or confusion.

  • The user cannot associate other products than DEIF products with DEIF’s trademark/logo and they do not give the impression that they are the owners of the trademark.

  • DEIF is not responsible for any loss or damage that – directly or indirectly – may occur as a consequence of this permission. 

  • DEIF is not responsible towards third party in relation to any claims that may originate from the user’s employment of the logo, his actions or non-performance. 

  • DEIF must be informed if the foundation of the logo permission is changed, whereupon the permission is to be reconsidered. 

  • DEIF reserves the right to take any legal step towards users, who do not comply with DEIF’s guidelines for using the company’s logo.

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