Multi-line 2 AGC-4 Mk II Application Software UL approved

Multi-line 2 AGC-4 Mk II Application Software UL approved

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This software is UL approved!

PM compatibility: 1.24.2


  • Changing between an A10 or A20 specific AVR regulation mode and a legacy AVR regulation mode is now handled correctly by the switching ramp timer.


14. 09. 2023

This software is UL approved!

PM compatibility: 1.24.2


  • Changing between an A10 or A20 specific AVR regulation mode and a legacy AVR regulation mode is now handled correctly by the switching ramp timer.


28. 06. 2021

This software is UL approved!

PM compatibility: 1.23.0


  • Plant management Group Tie redundancy is improved in AUTO and ISLAND plants to secure groups without a start signal to start and stop properly when in need of a redundant unit.
  • Corrected the text for IP, subnet, gateway.
  • Corrected that alarm and battery logs where not shown correctly when the number of entries reached maximum.

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