TAS-3x1-DG Configuration Software.

TAS-3x1-DG Configuration Software.

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The software is subject to copyright DEIF A/S
By following the above mentioned link and downloading the file you automatically accept DEIF A/S copyright and license agreement (EULA). The license agreement can be found on www.deif.com/software


20. 12. 2006

Problem with space in download link


19. 12. 2006

Extra COM-ports added. COM1 – COM12


23. 01. 2003

Renamed due to Internet conflict


23. 01. 2003

1- Configuration of Active and Reactive Power (TAS-331DG and TAS-321DG): Configuration with a calculated input current up to 8A is now allowed.
2- Output load for current outputs: Max 1000 ohm.
3- Transducers with interface version 1.03 is now handled.


27. 09. 2001

Product added - now supports TAS 311-DG, TAS 321-DG and TAS 331-DG.
Function added - phase angle now available for TAS 311-DG


09. 05. 2001

Product added - supports TAS 311-DG
Functions added - view measurements, print, view transfer curve, etc.


27. 04. 2001

Bug fixed (error when changing from triple or dual to dual or single slope).

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