Remote Access Support (RAS)

Remote Access Support
Remote Access Support

Immediate support at a distance

Take advantage of DEIF’s Remote Access Support that enables certified engineers to remotely identify, diagnose, and resolve issues with your power management system. 

Remote engineer team at your disposal 24/7/365

You are guaranteed immediate contact 24/7/365 to DEIF’s team of remote engineers via a separate phone line. The remote engineers will be able to access your system as if they physically connected with their laptop directly. Within only a few hours, you are guaranteed to have an established connection. There is no other service from DEIF, which grants you this level of operational security.

You grant the access

You will always have to initiate the remote session by contacting DEIF and clarify the present issue. Once ready, the operating personnel will have to physically turn on a switch to allow and initiate a secure connection with DEIF.
The remote engineer will always try to rectify the issue currently by the operator. In unfortunate cases where issues are not able to be resolved remotely, you can book a prioritised DEIF service engineer. However, having pre-gathered information from remote sessions, the engineer has the best possible preconditions to solve the problem. 
To profit from the remote access support, a Remote Access Support box is required. The box can be mounted on DIN rail and box measurements are as follows: width: 45mm, height: 130mm and depth: 114mm. 
You can choose to perform the installation yourself or order DEIF’s technicians to manage the complete installation and handle the communication with your IT department.

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Remote Access Support