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For advanced genset paralleling applications in island and parallel to utility operation. Capabilities include integration of PV and battery storage, engine and generator protection, CAN engine interface, and programmable logic features with redundancy options in CAN and HW.

Automatic genset controller AGC-4 Mk II
- Automatic Mains Failure sequence
- Multi-master Power Management
- Power Management Core (32dg)
- Power Management Extended (>32dg)
- RMB Transformer maintenance with up to 32 gensets
- Engine CANbus
- Din rail mount
- Flexible Hardware
- Additional CANbus based I/O (9 x CIO modules)
- Redundant controller
- Redundant CANbus for Power mamangement
- N+X configuration
- Close Before Excitation / Run-up synchronization from 6 seconds
- DEIF digital AVR DVC550 support
- Multi purpose PID´s
- Gridcode compiant with: VDE AR-N 4110/4105 (Medium voltage, Germany, VDE AR-N 4105 (low voltage, Germany, EN 50549-1:2019 (Europe), ENA EREC G99 (United Kingdom)
- Touch Screen Supported (TDU107)
- Tier4 final/stage5
- Emulation for easy training and FAT
- Hybrid EMS support (1)
- Heavy consumer (via ALC-4)
- Fuel optimisation
- Fully compatible with AGC 150 and ASC-4
- TÜV pending and UL approved

Advanced Genset Controller AGC 150
- Synchronization
- Power Management Core (32dg)
- -40 degree support
- Engine and Generator protection
- Engine CANbus
- Front mount
- Additional CANbus based I/O (9 x CIO modules)
- DEIF digital AVR DVC550 support
- Multi purpose PID´s
- Tier4 final/stage5
- Emulation
- Hybrid EMS support
- Fuel optimisation

Advanced Genset Controller AGC 150 BTB
AGC 150 BTB - features
- Automatic close of bus tie breaker if the system requests help
- Manual control of bus tie breaker
- Section management
- 12 Digital inputs and 12 digital outputs
- Communications ports (CAN, USB, RS485, Ethernet).
- Event & alarm log (500 each)
- Programmable PLC editor

Advanced Genset Controller AGC 150 Mains
AGC 150 Mains - features
Operating modes with single or multiple mains:
AMF, Fixed power, Mains power export Load take over, Peak shaving
- Mains (Utility)
- power monitoring (kW, kV, A & pf)
- decoupling protection
- kW export protection
- electrical protections
- No break transfer of load
- Multi start settings
- Minimum of starting genset
- 12 Digital inputs and 12 digital outputs
- Communications ports (CAN, USB, RS485, Ethernet).
- Event & Alarm log (500 each)
- Programmable PLC editor

PPM 300 Genset controller
- Engine and Generator protection
- Generator breaker control
- Graphical based easy-to-use plant layout
- Synchronization
- Marine certified Power Management - ABP: Advanced blackout prevention (32dg)
- Rear mount
- Flexible Hardware
- Additional I/O racks (9 racks)
- Ethernet Ring connection for Power management
- Redundant breaker feedback
- Colour Display
- Emulation
- Marine approval
- Heavy consumer
- Fast load reduction
- Fuel optimisation

PPM 300 Emergency genset controller
- Engine and Generator protection
- Generator breaker control
- Graphical based easy-to-use plant layout
- Synchronization
- Marine certified Power Management - (16dg)
- Marine certified Power Management - ABP: Advanced blackout prevention (32dg)
- Rear mount
- Flexible Hardware
- Additional I/O racks (9 racks)
- Ethernet Ring connection for Power management
- Redundant breaker feedback
- Colour Display
- Emulation
- Marine approval
- Heavy consumer
- Fast load reduction
- Fuel optimisation

PPM 300 Shaft generator controller
- Generator breaker control
- Generator control and protection
- Graphical based easy-to-use plant layout
- Synchronization
- Marine certified Power Management - (16dg)
- Marine certified Power Management - ABP: Advanced blackout prevention (32dg)
- Rear mount
- Flexible Hardware
- Additional I/O racks (9 racks)
- Ethernet Ring connection for Power management
- Redundant breaker feedback
- Colour Display
- Emulation
- Marine approval
- Heavy consumer
- Fast load reduction
- Fuel optimisation

PPM 300 Bus tie breaker controller
- Bus tie breaker control
- AC protection
- Synchronization
- Graphical based easy-to-use plant layout
- Marine certified Power Management - (16dg)
- Marine certified Power Management - ABP: Advanced blackout prevention (32dg)
- Rear mount
- Flexible Hardware
- Additional I/O racks (9 racks)
- Ethernet Ring connection for Power management
- Redundant breaker feedback
- Colour Display
- Emulation
- Marine approval
- Heavy consumer
- Fast load reduction
- Fuel optimisation

PPM 300 Shore connection controller
- Shore connection breaker control
- Shore connection protection
- Graphical based easy-to-use plant layout
- Synchronization
- Marine certified Power Management - (16dg)
- Marine certified Power Management - ABP: Advanced blackout prevention (32dg)
- Rear mount
- Flexible Hardware
- Additional I/O racks (9 racks)
- Ethernet Ring connection for Power management
- Redundant breaker feedback
- Colour Display
- Emulation
- Marine approval
- Fast load reduction
- Fuel optimisation

PPM 300 Hybrid controller
- Inverter AC protection
- Inverter AC breaker control
- Graphical based easy-to-use plant layout
- Synchronization
- Marine certified Power Management - (16dg)
- Marine certified Power Management - ABP: Advanced blackout prevention (32dg)
- Rear mount
- Flexible Hardware
- Additional I/O racks (9 racks)
- Ethernet Ring connection for Power management
- Redundant breaker feedback
- Colour Display
- Emulation
- Marine approval
- Heavy consumer
- Fast load reduction
- Fuel optimisation
- Inverter and Battery Management system control and monitoring
- Charging
- Discharging